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Sacred Location #4
Inner-Child Healing Tree
Click For Audio Narration

Distance Measurement to Sacred Location #4

From Power Tree to Inner-Child Tree:

Yardage: 24 yards
Pedometer: 20 Steps (She is Close!)

The cool thing about this path is there is one spiritual/sacred place one right after the other.  Please take your time!

Next: The Inner-Child Helper Tree!

(purple arrow below)


Inner-Child Healing Tree/Arrow On Left Is Next Location

Sacred Location # 4 - Inner Child Tree

You want to approach the little tree gently,of course greeting it, "A Ho, little tree!"

You stand in front of three on the path, facing it—close enough the branches are touching you.  And reach out and touch it with your hands.

The idea is that the tree will flow energy around the little boy or girl inside you so they feel enough to engage you or to come out of hiding.  If this kind of healing is something you want to do really go deep with I would recommend two options: one, purchase myHealing the Inner-Child Lessons or watch my Inner-Child Video on YouTube.  The mission is acknowledge the inner-child’s feeling—not to fix them!  My Little Tree is there to help you to do this.  This kind of healing work can have very quick powerful results.

You want to remember when speaking with your inner-child these four things:

    Asking what they need

Combine this with "Deep Listening" which is intuitive listening.  be careful of "you're okay"  responses!

Inner-Child Tree Front View
Now just to the right of the Inner-Child Tree and about 30 yards off the trail you will see this amazing Grandfather Juniper Tree  (picture below).   If you feeling him pulling at you definitely get close to him and use the tools I have taught you see what he has to say!  Very very powerful tree, brothers and sisters!
My Brother!
Very Serious Grandfather Juniper Tree!

Distance Measurement to Sacred Location #5

From Inner-Child Tree to Plant Vortex:

Yardage: 19 yards
Pedometer: 16 Steps
Its Just a Few Short Steps to Plant Vortex
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